Welcome to the Memorial University of Newfoundland - Canadian Asphalt Binder Selection (CABS) tool! With this tool, pavement temperatures can be calculated using three different pavement temperature models: LTPP, SHRP, and the newly developed Canadian Pavement Temperature (CPT) Model.
SHRP -Strategic Highway Research Program (1)
The SHRP pavement temperature model calculates high pavement temperature using ambient air temperature and latitude. This model equates low ambient air temperature to low pavement temperature for a conservative approach. Many modifications of the SHRP model exist, including one known as C-SHRP. This is an equation developed to predict low pavement temperatures in Canada, as the original method has been found less effective in Canada.
LTPP – Long-Term Pavement Performance (2)
LTPP pavement temperature model was developed to help State transportation departments select the most suitable performance-grade binder for a particular site based on the American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) M320-10 and AASHTO M332-14 standards.The LTPP pavement temperature model is developed based on pavement sites located between latitudes of 27 degrees (Texas) and 52 degrees (Southern Canada). The model relies on latitude and ambient air temperature to predict corresponding pavement temperatures.
CPT – Canadian Pavement Temperature (3)
The CPT model is a recently developed pavement temperature model for use specifically in Canada. CPT functions by geographically dividing Canada into clusters of unique climatic zones. Independent temperature prediction equations were developed for each of these zones to accurately encompass the complex and varied Canadian climate.
(1) Solaimanian, M., & Bolzan, P. (1993). Analysis of the Integrated Model of Climatic Effects on Pavements. In SHRP-A-637. (2) Mohseni, A. (1998). LTPP Seasonal Asphalt Concrete (AC) Pavement Temperature Models, FHWA-RD-97-103 (Vol. 7, Issue 2); Mohseni, A. (2005). LTPPBIND V3.1 A SUPERPAVE Binder Selection Program, Washington Pavement Systems LLC, Maiden, MD. (3) Swarna, S. T., Hossain, K. & Bernier, A. (2022). Pavement Temperature Model for Canadian Climatic Conditions: CPT Model, 101st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) of National Academies of Science and Engineering. Washington DC, USA. Under Preparation.
Dr. Kamal Hossain
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Carleton University, Ottawa
Adjunct Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
Advanced Road & Transportation Engineering Lab (ARTEL)
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 5B6, Canada
Email: kamal.hossain@carleton.ca
Surya T. Swarna
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Civil Engineering
Advanced Road & Transportation Engineering Lab (ARTEL)
Memorial University of Newfoundland
St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Email: stswarna@mun.ca
Alyssa Bernier
M.A.Sc Student
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Advanced Road & Transportation Engineering Lab (ARTEL)
Carleton University, Ottawa
Ontario, K1S 5B6, Canada
Email: alyssabernier@cmail.carleton.ca
Project Name
Project Engineer(s)
Climate Input
High Air Temperature,°C
Low Air Temperature,°C
Latitude of the Section, Degrees
Climate Input
High 7-Day Mean Air Temperature,°C
Standerd Deviation of High 7-Day Mean Air Temperature,°C
Depth to Surface, mm
Low Mean Air Temperature,°C
Standerd Deviation of Low Mean Air Temperature,°C
Depth to Surface, mm
Climate Input
High 7-Day Mean Air Temperature,°C
Standerd Deviation of High 7-Day Mean Air Temperature,°C
Depth to Surface, mm
Low Mean Air Temperature,°C
Standerd Deviation of Low Mean Air Temperature,°C
Depth to Surface, mm
Asphalt Binder Output
High Pavement Temperature Model for a Depth of 20 mm
Low AC pavement temperature at the surface, °C.s
Suggested Asphalt Binder Grade:
Asphalt Binder Output
Average 7-day High AC Pavement Temperature below the Surface, °C
Low AC Pavement Temperature below the Surface, °C
Suggested Base Asphalt Binder Grade:
Asphalt Binder Output
Average 7-day High AC Pavement Temperature below the Surface, °C